Category: News

    Diets that include some form of fasting are becoming increasingly popular. Now, new research suggests that food deprivation might actually boost physical endurance. Athletes who train for endurance events...

    Soft drinks are everywhere: in supermarkets, vending machines, and restaurants. Marketed as refreshing and energizing, they’re often presented as the perfect accompaniment to meals or a quick pick-me-up during...

    Intermittent fasting isn’t just another fad—it’s a game-changer for your metabolic health. We’re talking about a powerful, time-restricted eating strategy that goes beyond weight management. It’s about mastering your...

    Are you tired of modern diets telling you what to eat without explaining why? Do they nag you EVERY DAY that bread-pasta-pizza are UNESCO World Heritage? Do they drive...

    This time, the novelty (as often happens) comes from the past, and from a truly remote past: the Paleolithic, the so-called Stone Age, the oldest period of Prehistory. Eating...

    “Milk is good for your bones”; “milk is a complete food”; “milk is the best food in the world.” These are among the absolutely unassailable myths of recent generations,...

    We often hear the phrase “We are what we eat,” famously quoted by the German philosopher Feuerbach. How many of us have truly felt the impact of this statement...

    It’s often proclaimed that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, a critical fuel stop that powers our productivity and health. Yet, if this age-old wisdom holds...

      Have you decided to eat according to the rules of Nature and not feeling the amazing effects of the diet that so many others before you have experienced?...

      Many studies have found that a mutation in the MTHFR gene (which affects 10-15% of the entire population) can lead to many problems. These problems often remain mysterious...